Sunday 26 May 2019

good SITE of facebook

This time I want to recommend you a very facebook page – the language nerds.

I guess that everybody appreciate some good jokes. And especially when you are a linguist, you have fun with word games, you get angry about someone making basic grammar mistakes (like your and you’re in English) and you want to find a bunch of people how also have typical struggle with learning second language. I promise you – this site is for you.

There, we can find memes mostly about English language (whose pronunciation is an evil). But sometimes people share with each other a words from every language they know, just to find some unique ones or those which make them feel proud to know. It’s really “refreshing” to learn about others languages and in consequences – about others cultures (just a little, but still). And all of this with a solid dose of humor! Check this out and you’ll be in linguistic heaven!

Saturday 25 May 2019

Sea otters

Some time ago, I found an interesting fact about otters. And that inspired me to find more fun facts about these cute animals.

I’ll begin with the most cute one. During sleep, otters hold their hands to not drift apart. Moreover, if it comes to their babies, when they are too small to swim on their own, they use their mother as a taxi (they’re lying on her stomach). 

Sea otters can juggle. Well, maybe juggling is too exaggerated, because it more like throwing up a stone, but still, it quite impressive. And they can do this with two or three rocks. They are playing like that while lying on their backs and they can even do it with their eyes closed.

But why exactly they are carrying a rock with them? In fact, sea otters have some kind of attachments to certain stones and it is possible that they keep their favorites rocks for a lifetime!

The last fact isn’t fun at all, but at the end give us a hope. It comes to extinction of otters. Because of the fur trade, sea otters was hunted nearly to extinction, in the early 1900s. By the time, there left around 2,000 of them). Today, they are still considered as an endangered species, but the number of otters has increased to about 106,000.


As everybody knows (I guess), recently we had a huge music event – Eurovision. First of all, I need to say that I’ve never been a zealous fan of this show due to two major reasons. I have never appreciated presented songs, because it was prepared, in most cases, on the basis of popular hits. In fact, it is nothing wrong, but authors of the songs are just trying too hard and by consequences, what they create is simply bland. If it comes to the songs, there is still one question that I don’t like. I think about choosing a current issues or problems, for instance feminism (like in this years song from North Macedonia). To be clear, I don’t criticize touching the problem in general – it is necessary to put it on the table and spread awareness. For me, it seems sometimes that people decided to take the topic just because it’s “popular” and people would like it and not because they really want to participate in discussion or want it to change. The second reason for which I don’t like Eurovision it’s voting. It’s seems that this contest isn’t about music, but politics. We can see this when neighbors countries vote for each other.

But this year, there were a couple of songs that I really appreciated. I want to share with you 2 of my favorites.