Monday 17 October 2016

how to be happy in october

It is a good question, isn't it? I don't want to give you a clear answer, because everyone has a different likes so it's quite difficult to prepare advices which could be helpful for everyone. It must be said that it's almost impossible to be happy during this weather. Why is it so cold outside?!

At first - don't get sick. Autumn isn't about stylish outfits, but about wearing all the clothes at the same time. Thanks to this behavior you will be prepared to the changes of temperature. We must have energy to be able to fight with autumn! We can't be sick! If you get a fashion skill and you can look beautiful and stay warm - chapeau bas!

Buy a lot of candles. If you don't like spending time in this magic ambiance, I have no idea how to help you. Candles give us this wonderful time, when we can sit down or just stay in bed and take a break with complete relax. But all of us know it, that at cold afternoons, the best option is listening to music or reading...

In my opinion the best way to stay positive in autumn is to not forget how to be a child. It is always a great idea to forget about our responsibilities for a moment and play like a child. When it's a little bit warm outside, go and search a colorful leaves and make a picture with them. Take the chestnuts and prepare a little zoo. Or stay at home and paint a colorful landscape or whatever you want. Okay, we don't have a time for this. But it's my just my nostalgy... I miss all those things and I really want to make something like what I wrote...

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