Saturday 3 June 2017


There is one special animal which is so cute for me, so when I need to cheer up myself, I start to scroll down the pictures with it. And I really regret that they aren’t domesticated animals. For this time I would like to present you some fun facts about penguins!

1. The World Penguin Day is on 25 April.

2. The colors of its plumage have a really important reason. It is a camouflage! Its black back blends into the murky depths of the ocean. From below, its white belly is hidden against the bright surface.

3. All but two species of penguins breed in large colonies of up to a thousand birds.

4. Most species are also loyal to their exact nesting site, often returning to the same rookery in which they were born.

5. In some species, it is the male penguin which incubates the eggs while females leave to hunt for weeks at a time. Because of this, pudgy males—with enough fat storage to survive weeks without eating—are most desirable.

6. Penguin parents—both male and female—care for their young for several months until the chicks are strong enough to hunt for food on their own.

7. The first published account of penguins comes from Antonio Pigafetta, who was aboard Ferdinand Magellan's first circumnavigation of the globe in 1520. They spotted the animals near what was probably Punta Tombo in Argentina. (He called them "strange geese.")

8. Because they aren't used to danger from animals on solid ground, wild penguins exhibit no particular fear of human tourists.

Its carrying about family and gentle adoption make it the cutest animal around the world. I wish I had one.

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